August 10, 2010

37 Week Ultrasound

August 10, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was your 37 week ultrasound.  Mama and papa never imagined they would see week 37.  You are such a made it to full term!  How exciting! 

You passed your biophysical exam with flying colors.  Everything looked great, and your fluid was 13.4 today!  You are measuring in at 6 lbs 7 oz, still growing bigger and stronger every week.

Mama got a couple good pictures of you today.  Mama and papa can't believe that you will be with them in less than 2 weeks, and they will finally get to meet your sweet face! Until then, the ultrasound pictures will do, but they are so anxious to finally meet you!

Stay happy, little star!

Mama & Papa