August 17, 2010

38 Week Ultrasound

August 17, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Papa took time off work to take you and mama to the doc's office this morning for your last biophysical exam.  Of course you passed with an 8 out of 8 again!  Why wouldn't you?!  You definitely passed the movement portion of the exam right away.  Opening and closing your hands.  Yawning.  Too cute!  It even looked like you were making an "Okay" sign with your hand, like you were telling mama and papa that everything was A-okay!

Your fluid was even up to 14 and officially the highest it's ever been!  That's the 50th percentile!  Dr. K was very happy!  She said that she couldn't explain it, other than some things are just God's providence!  So very true.

Now it's only 5 more days until your much anticipated arrival!  Mama keeps staring at your cradle swing when she's down stairs and your bassinet when she is upstairs thinking, "There is going to be a baby laying in that in less than a week!"  It's getting so close, and mama and papa have never been more excited!

Mama & Papa