June 22, 2010

Bed Rest: Week One at Home a Success!

Dear Stella,

With mama on bed rest at home, the change was a little bit harder on papa. Mama and papa are different in the way that papa energizes by being by himself and mama usually energizes by being around people. Papa was used to coming home from work around 4:30 and having an hour and a half to relax and collect his thoughts before mama got home from work around 6:00. Even though Papa loved having Grumpa and Lola around and appreciated their help so much, it was an adjustment papa had to get used to... coming home from work with a house full of people, mama included!

As for mama, the first week went by really fast, and it actually helped to have Grumpa and Lola there every day not just to help, but for their company. Mama loves to spend time with Grumpa and Lola, and you will, too!

Every day you did great on the monitor and mama's blood pressure had not elevated at all. Wednesday was your appointment at Dr. Kerlin's office, so the Alere nurse didn't need to come by. You were ornery! First, it took 45 minutes to get the non-stress test monitor to pick up your heart beat because you were dancing around in there! Then, when it was time for the biophysical exam ultrasound where they want to see you move, you must've decided to take a nap! It took 30 minutes before you woke up and started moving! You passed with flying colors again...an 8 out of 8! Plus, your fluid levels had gone up to 10.0!

Dr. Kerlin was happy that you were doing well with mama being at home! By the time you and mama were all finished, it was time to wake up Grumpa, who had fallen asleep out in the waiting room!

On Friday, mama had a little scare. She thought she may have been leaking amniotic fluid, so she called Dr. Kerlin's office and they said to come in. Mama called papa and he took off work because he wanted to be able to take mama himself. It turned out that mama wasn't leaking any fluid, but they did another ultrasound to measure the fluid just in case. It was actually lower than it was on Wednesday at 7.8, but it was still considered stable because it wasn't lower than it was when mama was first admitted to the hospital. Keri, the ultrasound technician, said that the difference between 7 and 10 really isn't that big of a difference, because you could pee and it would increase your fluid by that much. So no worries...that was a relief!

Officially, week one at home was a success. The balloon that everyone brought you and mama before they left on vacation was still floating high and well, too! Aunt Shelli said it was because it was full of love!

Mama & Papa

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