June 21, 2010

God Is In Control

Dear Stella Rose,

It was going on day 3, May 27, 2010. Mama was getting treated for gestational diabetes, having to get her finger pricked before and after every meal and taking insulin shots to cover the carbohydrates she ate. Dr. Frick, the diabetes doctor, came to visit mama bright and early (6:30am!) He said that if mama's blood sugar levels continued to stay high that someone from the diabetes care center would be in to teach her how to take her blood sugar and give herself insulin shots before and after meals. Thankfully, mama's blood sugars started to go back to normal later in the day! The Celestone shot must've been wearing off!

Christy Heller came to visit in the morning, and guess who else came to surprise mama in the morning?! Grumpa and Lola! They came to stay for a few days to keep mama company during the day while papa was at work.

It was Dr. Kerlin's day off, so Dr. Rasmussen came to check up on mama. She said that due to the signs of early preeclampsia, mama was most likely going to have to be on bed rest the rest of her pregnancy, but she didn't know how much of that would be in the hospital or at home. Uh oh, mama started to get really anxious again, thinking about having to be off work that long without her income coming in! Mama had to remind herself that God provides all that you need and he was in control of this whole situation.

A couple weeks before all this happened, mama started to get really anxious as she wondered how her and papa were going to afford child care and all their bills. It just didn't make sense on paper. Mama goes through phases where she worries about money and then she doesn't. Papa had even told her one time that she was acting like the Israelites when they would question Moses on where they would get food to eat. Although God provided for them time after time, so quickly they forgot of his provision over and over again! Just as God continued to provide for mama and papa time and time again, mama still tried to take things into her own hands. Having to come to the realization that mama wouldn't be bringing home a paycheck for at least 3 months really threw things so out of her control that she HAD to rely on God!

Between the fear of something going wrong with you to the enormity of this financial burden, mama and papa couldn't imagine going through something like this without having a relationship with the Lord, the great comforter. That night mama was overcome with such a sense of peace that God was in control; that he was protecting you and her both and that everything was going to be okay, for God's plan is perfect.

Mama received an encouraging text from her friend, Tracy. It was Psalm 139:15-16 that states, "You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Everyday of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." How encouraging to be reminded that although noone could see you, yet...that our Heavenly Father sees every part of you and will take care of you!

So many friends and family have been praying for you, mama and papa, it's no wonder why mama has felt such a sense of peace. You just hang in there! You'll be 27 weeks on Sunday, and Dr. Kerlin said our goal was to at least make it to 28 weeks!

Mama & Papa

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