June 11, 2010

Plus Sign?

Dear Stella Rose,

For the course of a few weeks, mama started to get hungry a lot at work and even seemed a little crabbier than normal. Some of mama's coworkers had an inkling that she was pregnant, but mama was in denial. She thought she could be having pregnancy symptoms, but she was also in denial because she didn't want to get her hopes up. Every time she would get psyched about being pregnant and found out she wasn't it was really sad.

It was also the time in mama's cycle that was off, so ovulation usually occurred anywhere between 2-4 weeks later than normal. That was another reason mama didn't think she was pregnant.

It was Wednesday, December 30th, and mama and her staff at work went out to Applebee's for lunch. One of her coworkers got an upset stomach, and both mama and he ate the chicken. When mama got back to the office, within the hour she was feeling awful. Mama's stomach hurt so bad that she wound up laying on the floor under her desk!

Mama's coworker, Nakia, came in and made mama get up off the floor and go across the hall to the model apartment to lay down on the couch. She even took mama's temperature to make sure she didn't have a fever. Mama thought it must have been the chicken, but mama's other coworker, Carey, was convinced that mama had been having pregnancy symptoms for over a month and insisted on buying mama a pregnancy test!

Nakia and Carey stopped at the store and brought back a pregnancy test. Mama was scared and nervous to take the test because she was afraid to see that it was negative. After the longest minute ever, mama started to see a faint plus sign showing up. This couldn't be real! Was it real?

Nakia and Carey read the directions which stated that even the faintest horizontcal line meant PREGNANT. Oh my! Praise God!! Mama was crying uncontrollably!

The girls in the office helped mama think of a way to tell papa the news. They happened to have a left over Christmas gift bag and some tissue paper in the office, so they wrapped it up like a Christmas present!

Mama left work early, because how in the world was she supposed to focus the rest of the day?! She pretty much cried the whole way home, hoping she didn't get in a car accident while crying so much (and praising God, of course!)

Mama & Papa

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