June 21, 2010

Heading Home!

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was the day mama and papa were supposed to leave for Gulf Shores with "the family" (the Morrisons, Leslie and Corey...they will be like aunts and uncles to you and Logan, Morgan and Cole will be like your cousins!) They all stopped by in the morning to visit before they left, which made mama happy!

Not too much longer after they left, Maternal Fetal Medicine came in to do another biophysical exam, and Grumpa and Lola got to see it! They thought it was so neat! It was! Here are a couple pictures:

You always seem to have your foot and a hand up by your head!

You passed your biophysical exam with an 8 out of 8 again! Your fluid levels had gone up to 9.0, too! The doctors considered that stable since it was still lower than normal, but it hadn't gone down since a few days before.

Mama's blood sugars went back down to normal, so Dr. Frick said mama should just be able to manage her blood sugar levels with her diet. The dietician said not to cut out carbohydrates completely because you still need those to grow. Managing carbohydrates wasn't going to be too bad; mama just wasn't going to be able to eat whatever she wanted like normal.

Good news! Dr. Kerlin said that since everything was stable and you were looking perfect on the monitoring and biophysical exam that mama could go home and finish bed rest at home! Mama would have a home healthcare nurse visit every day to put you on the monitor and take mama's blood pressure and temperature.

There were certain restrictions to mama's strict bed rest:
  • Mama could only go up and down the stairs once a day (once to come downstairs for the day and once to go back upstairs for bed.)
  • Mama was allowed to take a shower once a day as long as she was only standing for 10 minutes (mama sits down in the shower anyway).
  • Mama was only allowed to get up and walk to the bathroom...that's it! (no making Taco Night for papa anymore!)
  • Mama was not allowed to leave the house accept for her weekly doctor's visits (mama wasn't even allowed to attend her baby showers, so one got cancelled and another post poned...mama tried to see if papa could take her to a movie since she'd just be "sitting there" but Dr. Kerlin said that wasn't a good idea.)
  • Mama could sit outside in the sun for 20 minutes a day but only during the cooler parts of the day (mama tried to see if papa could take her to the pool since she'd just be "laying on a lawn chair" but Dr. Kerlin said it would've been okay if the pool was in the backyard)...mama tried!
  • Mama was allowed to sit at her sewing machine to work on your nursery for 20 minutes per day (as long as it didn't stress mama out, Dr. Kerlin said.)
It was going to be a huge change for mama and papa, especially because they were so used to constantly having something going on every night after work. It was almost like they didn't know how to slow down! It was sad because mama and papa weren't going to be able to watch the Heller kiddos anymore, and they quickly missed them a whole bunch! It was also going to be hard for mama not to attend church and to miss out in the Jr. High ministry!

All in all, mama and papa only cared for what was best for you. If bed rest was what you needed to stay healthy, then you are worth it baby girl!! Mama's friend, Christie, made a good point. She said that once you become a parent you will live the rest of your life making sacrifices, and this situation was giving mama and papa a taste of what that will be like before you were even born! You will always be worth the sacrifice!

Mama & Papa

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