June 21, 2010

Mama's First Overnight Hospital Stay

Dear Stella Rose,

Mama got to her room and had to answer lots of questions about her health history. The she was hooked up to an IV to make sure she was getting enough fluids, and her belly was hooked up so they could monitor your heart rate and if mama had any contractions. They wanted to make sure your heart rate didn't drop for an extended period of time (called a deceleration) because that could be you cutting off the circulation of your umbilical cord. They also like to see multiple increases in your heart rate (called accelerations).

They also drew blood work to test for signs of preeclampsia (blood platelet counts and liver function). They also drew blood for the 1-hour glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. A 24 hour urine sample had to be collected to test for any protein in mama's urine, which would be a sign of mama's kidneys not functioning properly. That is also a symptom of preeclampsia. Other symptoms of preeclampsia are: high blood pressure, swollen feet and ankles, bad headaches that don't go away with Tylenol, pain in the upper right part of the abdomen, blurred vision or seeing spots.

Good thing mama doesn't have a fear of needles! Mama got a big steriod shot right in the hip. The Celestone steriod would help to develop your lungs in case you were born early. The Celestone shot also makes blood sugars elevate, which could have been why mama didn't pass the 1-hr glucose test. The next morning mama would have to get tested with the 3-hour glucose test, so she couldn't eat anything after midnight.

The maternity suite was actually very nice. Papa had his own "man cave" with a TV, DVD player, microwave and mini fridge. There was a couch for his bed. The room had a nice view, too! Mama couldn't believe how much food she was able to order! 2 entrees, 4 sides, 2 breads, 2 desserts and 2 drinks! Whoa! That should keep you happy!

Mama & Papa

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