June 28, 2010

Week 2 at Home

Dear Stella,

Sunday was a busy day. After church Matt, Shelli, the kiddos, Corey and Leslie all stopped by with lunch. Pizza, salad and Oreo cookies! It was so nice to see them! As they were leaving, Nana came by with dinner. Then, as she was leaving Auntie M.A. and Laura came by with a baby shower gift since that was the day M.A. had originally scheduled to throw you a baby shower at her house. Then mama's cousin, Caitlin, who she hadn't seen in 3 years came by on her way home from visiting a friend in Muncie. They all played mama's new favorite game, Monopoly Deal. Then Haleigh (one of your babysitters) came by to visit and play Monopoly Deal, too! It was a long fun-filled day with lots of visitors!

That next day was the first day that Grumpa and Lola wouldn't be there during the week. Lola had a doctor's appointment, and Grumpa has chemotherapy treatments every 2 weeks. They weren't going to be there until the next week, so mama had registered on mealbaby.com. It's a pretty neat website where you can sign up for days that you need help with meals. It didn't take even a whole day for all the days for lunch and dinner to be taken up by all mama and papa's loving friends!

Monday was another busy day. Lynda Shade came by with Panera for lunch. It is always great to spend time with her! Then, mama's nurse came by and you did well on your non-stress test again! Then, Christie Heller came by with Jenna (one of your babysitters), Cade and Kendyll. It was great to visit with them, too, especially because mama and papa had missed watching them once a week. Kendyll got a kick out of Bandit's tail! After they left, Jill Hutchinson came by with Melody and Ian. She brought mama some healthy protein goodies because her midwife had told her that protein was good for preeclampsia. Ian got a kick out of the smiley face balloon, which was still floating strong! For dinner, Stephanie Etchison came by with the kiddos and brought a yummy stuffed bread loaf and an Oreo milkshake from Steak n' Shake (mama's favorite flavor!!)

Tuesday wasn't as busy with lots of visitors, but it was a lot of fun! Haleigh came over and made mama mac n' cheese and turkey n' cheese tortillas for lunch. Haleigh brought over "Blades of Glory" which mama thought was a little "disturbing" at parts but funny and "Tommy Boy." Jenna came over a couple hours later. They all had a coloring book party and played Monopoly Deal, of course! It was a fun day! After papa had come home and the girls had left, a family from church whose son is in papa's small group stopped by with dinner. Ziti with marinara sauce and chicken breasts! Yum!

Every day this week, before papa left for work, he brought up peanut butter and jelly toast with decaf coffee just the way mama liked it. Papa is the best!

Wednesday, "Aunt Tracy" was there to pick mama up to give her a ride to your doctor's appointment that was at 10:00am. However, mama ended up not needing her to come back to pick her up.

To be continued...

Mama & Papa

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