June 22, 2010

Designing Your Nursery

Dear Stella Rose,

Grumpa and Lola came back the day after Memorial Day to stay for the rest of the week with mama. It was such a blessing to have them around. Not only was it wonderful for mama to get to spend lots of time with them, mama also got to enjoy Lola's wonderful cooking! You will see for yourself! Hopefully, you take it from mama and you're not a picky eater like papa! :)

During the day, mama kept busy making the designs for your nursery. A few weeks back, was mama's first Mother's Day. Grumpa and Lola brought down your whole nursery suite, and Uncle Russ, Grumpa and papa put it all together.

All those little bibs, blankets and shoes were given by "Aunt Nikki" and "Uncle Eric." Some of the really soft blankets were given to you from "Uncle Corey."

Stella means "star"

The dresser is actually already full of clothes given to you, again from Nikki and Eric. The big star is going to be painted magenta and the smaller star is going to be decoupaged in the fabrics that match the rest of your nursery. The big stars were given by "Aunt Shelli" and "Uncle Matt."

Yummy fabrics!

Mama had found the fabrics for your nursery from a locally owned store in Noblesville called Always in Stitches. Since mama was on bed rest, she found a website online called Hawthorne Threads that had the same fabrics, and they just happened to be on sale for 40% off! Mama hated to not support the local store, but a 40% savings was too much to pass up...plus it was delivered, which was convenient since mama couldn't leave the house.

Now for the designs...

Your baby blanket and curtain mama designed.

Actually, it was papa's idea to use the rose patterned fabric for the big stars on the blanket!

Mama came up with the design for the crib skirt, and she used an Amy Butler pattern to come up with the design for the crib bumpers.

Mama was so excited to get started sewing!

Mama & Papa

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