June 11, 2010

Presenting the News to Papa

Dear Stella,

Mama made it home safely from work with papa's "late Christmas gift" in hand. Papa asked, "What is that for?" Mama told him it was a late Christmas gift from the girls at work. As he started unwrapping the "gift" he thought it was a candy bar or something, but mama was thinking, "No, you wouldn't want to eat that!"

Papa didn't know how to react. He just said, "What does this mean? What does this mean?" Mama said, "What do you mean, what does this mean? You are going to be a daddy!!!!"

Mama and papa started jumping up and down, hugging and crying! Mama and papa headed to Walmart to pick up another pregnancy test just to make sure, and surely it was positive, too!!

Mama and papa were going to try and wait to reveal the news to your grandparents when they called the next night to wish everyone a Happy New Year, but they couldn't wait! Oh boy, were they all excited!!

The news was announced at your "Uncle and Aunt Morrison's" house the next day at their New Year's Eve party! Mama shared the news by showing everyone the picture she took of the pregnancy test on her phone. Everyone was so excited and have been ever since!!

Mama & Papa

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