July 12, 2010

32 Week Ultrasound & Antepartum Support Group

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Mama's nurse woke her up earlier than normal because the Maternal Fetal Medicine team wanted to make sure to fit your ultrasound in before the Antepartum Support Group at 10:00.  Mama didn't get to order her normal breakfast because there wasn't enough time.

You did wonderful again!  Your fluid was even up to 11cm this time!  You were practice breathing right away!  Doc gave you an A+ on your biophysical exam again! 

No pictures this time, though.  You were being shy with your hands in your face, so they couldn't get a good picture.  They showed mama again all the hair on your head, though!  People say that the moms get heart burn when babies have a full head of hair.  It looks like you have a lot of hair, but mama is happy you haven't been giving her bad heartburn!

After your ultrasound, mama headed back to her room.  Her nurse said that Dr. Kerlin called and sounded very happy.  She wanted to order another 24 hour urine test to see what the protein showed this time.  Mama's nurse seemed to think that Dr. Kerlin might let mama finish bed rest at home again, but mama wasn't sure about all that.  The idea of having that option made mama happy just to know you both were doing well enough to have that option, but it wasn't really something mama felt totally comfortable with even if that was what Dr. Kerlin would say.

After eating a small snack of cheese cubes and peanut butter and celery for breakfast, mama's nurse wheeled her down to the Antepartum Support Group.  They always have yummy doughnuts and cake from Starbucks that mama can't have due to her gestational diabetes. Mama did learn that she is allowed to have a snack between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and after dinner without insulin as long as it is 15 grams of carbohydrates or less.  Mama got to have a diet hot chocolate that was only 10 carbs that pretty tasted like regular hot chocolate.  Mama had to pass on the doughnuts, cake and peanut M&M's (one of mama's favorites!)

It was nice to see two of the same faces that mama saw the week before and three new faces.  One of the women wants to name her daughter Bella Rose which I told her sounded like your name!  Her husband doesn't want to name their daughter Bella though, because there is a dog in their neighborhood named Bella!

Mama also met another woman who is being treated for gestational diabetes, too.  It was nice for mama and her to talk about that together.

They didn't go outside this time because it was so humid out.  Instead, they circled around in the sunroom and shared each other's stories with one another.  It was nice.  Mama was glad she chose to start coming.  The meeting went by fast though, before they knew it the hour was over and you and mama were getting wheeled back to your room.

Mama & Papa

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