July 12, 2010

Papa Leaves for Camp

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

After church, papa came back to visit with mama before he left for Camp Allendale.  He would be away at camp until Friday afternoon, which is the longest mama and papa had ever been away from each other.  Grumpa and Lola went for a walk to let mama and papa visit with one another.

It was really sad to think about being away for that long.  On top of already being emotional due to the fun pregnancy hormones, mama couldn't stop crying when papa was about to leave!

Mama knew he was leaving for a great reason, though.  This year papa was the Director of the 5th and 6th grade camp.  Last year, mama and papa were "family leaders" together, and it was so much fun!  Worship.  Campfire.  Night swim.  The Blob.  Kayaking.  Carpet ball.  Human foosball.  Kickball in the rain.  Human sundaes.  Pranks.  Meal times.  Canteen.  Oh boy, does the fun list go on!  Not only were all the activities so much fun, but to see God move in all the kids and the leaders throughout the week was amazing! 

Mama wished she could be there with papa.  Instead, she prayed for him every day that God would use him and all the leaders in a mighty way.  One day, you'll get to go to camp, and it will be tons of fun!

Mama & Papa

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