July 8, 2010

Amy Cornwell Designs

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Corey came by to visit mama and papa in the evening, and he came bearing a pretty girlish gift bag.  At first mama thought he shouldn't have brought another gift bag!  It was actually from mama's newest friend, Amy, which explained the bright colors and flowers! 

It was full of lots of goodies!

1.  A thank you card kit that she put together...along with one of her mini cards she sells on her site.

2. One of her tins that she also sells full of fun brads and flower embellishments.

3. Patterns to make things for you, since I had told her I really want to get into sewing.

4. And mama's favorite thing in the whole bag...the baby bird charm necklace with your name on it!

Mama was very happy! It was so thoughtful of Amy to gift mama with all this stuff and so nice that she even made one of her pieces of jewelry for her! Mama wears her necklace with your name on it everyday, and all the nurses love it, too!  Mama has even been promoting Amy's website, www.amycornwell.com!  :)

Mama & Papa

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