July 4, 2010

Farkle and Funny Faces

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

During the day, mama preferred to have visitors between 3:00 - 4:30 each day because you got put on the monitor from 2:00 - 3:00 everyday and papa would usually get home from work around 4:30.  Mama liked to sleep in a little bit and then spend the rest of the morning reading her Bible and relaxing. 

Today, Audrey and Haleigh came back to visit.  Haleigh had made mama a cute calendar that counted down the days until your departure from the hospital.  It was full of fun facts or bible verses for each day, but mama "wasn't allowed to look ahead."

Papa had got home from work right after the girls had gotten there.  Papa had a softball game that night so he decided to take a nap while the girls took mama on a wheelchair ride.  They tried to go outside on the sun deck but decided to go back inside in the sun room because it was so hot and humid outside!  They played Farkle, and Audrey won.  Haleigh came in a close second, and mama lost!

Danielle Lorenz also stopped by, just in time to head back to the room.  They tried to be quiet while papa finished his nap, but he woke up anyway.  He's always been a light sleeper.  Mama on the other hand can sleep through a lot!

Papa made sure to take pictures of mama and the girls before they left.

Then mama and papa got to visit for just a short while before he had to leave for his game.  Mama was glad it was the weekend, because she looked forward to spending time with papa since she didn't get to spend much time with him during the week!

Mama & Papa

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