July 16, 2010

Saying Goodbyes

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was papa's last day up in Pulse Remix at church.  It was a rough morning having to say goodbye to all the kiddos that mama and papa have gotten to know over the past two years.  Next Sunday, papa would be going to Cross Pointe, but his first official day in the youth ministry would be the Sunday following.

Late afternoon, Nana & Papa and Uncle Ben & Chelsea came by the hospital before they went out to eat.  It was Nana's birthday, and she loved the birthday card mama made for her from you.

Later in the evening, Erica Freeman's mom brought her to visit mama in the hospital.  Mama had gotten to know Erica from the Jr. High ministry at church, and she wanted to come by to bring a present she had made for you.

She had spent the whole day before making a baby blanket for you, and she sewed it all herself!

Mama can't wait until she can sew all of your things for your nursery!  Mama also hopes to show you how to sew one day, too!
Mama & Papa

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