July 4, 2010

Keep It Up Kiddo

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Yesterday was a very relaxing day.  Mama didn't have any other visitors, so she was able to rest and spend time with Grumpa and Lola.  Grumpa was joking around how he felt like a stray dog, stuck in the man cave, with all the visitors that came the day before.  Grumpa's funny!

It was a good thing mama got a lot of rest, because your ultrasound was today.  You did great again on the biophysical profile exam.  Your fluid levels had gone up above 10 cm!  Everything else looked great, too.  You were practice breathing right away and showing a lot of movement!  Dr. Kerlin would be glad to hear the news when she got back from vacation!

Mama & Papa

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