July 13, 2010

Papa's Surprise

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Papa called mama around 11:30 and mama told him about maybe getting to go home.  They talked about camp, and then he said he would call back later.

Around 12:00 mama heard the door to her room open, and she turned to look, expecting to see her nurse.  To her surprise, it was papa!!  Mama started crying because she was so happy to see him!  He decided to get a away for a few hours to surprise mama with a visit.

Papa climbed in mama's bed with her and cuddled.  It felt so good for mama just to be near him.  Mama had realized over the past few nights that she had taken for granted even the nights where they laid next to each other without having a conversation.  She realized that even those moments are precious!

Mama loves when papa does goofy things just to make mama laugh.  Papa was pretending to make fight kicks for no apparent reason, and mama loved every goofy second of it!

After the good laugh, papa could only stay until 1:30 and then he had to head back.  Mama wished it was Friday and he was home, but she knew there was still more of God's work to do at camp.  It felt like Sunday all over again when papa left.  Too bad there was no Kleenex.  Toilet paper had to do!

It was back to just you and mama, but not for too much longer.

Mama & Papa

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