July 26, 2010

Picture Fun

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

After the baby shower, Leslie & Shelli came back to mama's room for a little bit.  They wanted to get a picture of the three of them together, but they wree having a hard time taking the picture themselves and fitting everyone in the picture.

When Leslie tried to take the picture Shell's head would get cut off.  Then Shelli tried to take the picture and Leslie's head got cut off.  Mama tried to take the picture, and that didn't come out so well either!  Finally, they had to ask mama's nurse to take the picture...much better!!

After the girls left, papa came home soon after.  He was having fun looking through all of your gifts.

Mama was practicing photographing papa...she's got to get ready for all the pictures that she'll be taking of you!

Mama & Papa

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