July 8, 2010

Things to Do

Monday, June 21, 2010 - Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

This week was the first week that Grumpa and Lola weren't going to be at the hospital all day with mama. It was also a busy week for papa after work with meetings for the new youth ministry internship on Tuesday, leading small group on Wednesday, teaching Pulse Bible Study on Thursday while Corey was away at camp, and softball on Friday. Good thing mama had quite a bit to keep herself busy!

Mama had made a much needed habit since being back in the hospital to start and end the day reading the Bible. She would usually sleep in until 9:00-10:00 every morning, order breakfast and spend an hour or two reading. She made a goal to read 12 chapters a day in the morning before doing anything else. Then before she allowed herself to go to sleep she would read 5 Psalms each evening along with the chapter of Proverbs that correlated with the day of the week. It's been a blessing how encouraging reading God's word has been for mama during this whole time in the hospital!

In addition to the Bible, mama has been reading "Having a Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver (which is a great book) and Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam.

When mama wasn't reading she was spending time drawing on the sketch pad papa got her.  By request, mama drew a scene from the Lion King where they are singing "Hakuna Matata," and also Mr. Fredricksen from UP!

Mama also started working on some card sketches. She designed some thank you cards for the baby shower attendees.

Mama thought she would end up watching a lot of TV especially since she had cable at the hospital and not at home. Surprisingly, mama never turned the TV on during the day. Instead, she would rather occupy her time reading, chatting with her nurses, doing something crafty, or working on your blog.

Mama & Papa

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