July 2, 2010

Laying in Bed Can Be Exhausting!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

This particular Monday was a super busy day!  Mama had visitors literally all day from 10:30am - 8:30pm with only a 2 hour break.  Mama loved having all the visitors, because she usually reenergizes by being around people.  Papa is the one who reenergizes by having time to himself to just relax and think. Mama wasn't expecting it, but this day wore her out!  She didn't think laying in bed all day could ever be exhausting!

In the morning, Audrey Ruhl stopped by to visit.  Then Jess Conner brought Jenna and Haleigh.  They brought a bright pink sign that all the 7th grade girls made for you and mama and a big yellow star for "Stella."  They all stayed until right before you had to get on the monitor.

In the late afternoon, Jodi Barnett stopped by while on hospital rounds.  Then papa's boss' wife, Gwen, came by with magazines, candy (which mama had to give to daddy because she can't have sugar without an insulin shot) and a bag full of projects.  She said the projects were more for laughs than seriousness. 

Papa got home from work while Gwen was still there, and then Derek and Ashley Reid stopped by before heading back down to Florida.  They brought some pretty white hydrangeas. 

Shortly after, Kelly and Erin came by after work and stayed until 8:30.  Mama was going to have a baby shower from her work on that past Friday, and since it was cancelled Kelly and Erin bought you gifts and brought them to the hospital. 

They even stayed and ordered off the guest menu. They were amazed at how much food you could order, because you can get 2 entrees, 4 sides, 2 breads, 2 desserts and 2 drinks for $6.50!

After everyone left, mama got to relax with papa.  Mama didn't realize it, but mama was going to be exhausted the rest of the week!

Mama & Papa

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