July 21, 2010

More Belly Bump Pics

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was a big day!  You've made it to 34 weeks!  That milestone is so exciting, especially since the very first day mama was admitted to the hospital, it was unknown just how far mama would be able to carry you before it became dangerous with mama's preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

You are a trooper.  A happy baby in there that's for sure, always rumbling around!  Getting bigger and bigger day by day, growing healthy and strong!

Here is your growth (and mama's) over the last 6 weeks.

29 weeks - 31 weeks

32 weeks - 34 weeks

Mama's enjoyed watching you grow and feeling your movements as you get bigger and stronger. Mama and papa still can't believe you are going to be here so soon!

Mama & Papa

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