July 17, 2010

No More Nubain Please

Tuesday, July 11, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

This evening mama had 8 contractions during the hour of your monitoring from 10:00 - 11:00pm.  The nurse said the doctor's orders said to call if they were greater than 6 contractions in an hour, so she called the on-call doctor who advised her to give mama a shot of Nubain.

You would think that mama would be used to all the needles after having her arms injected with insulin with every meal for the last 5 weeks, but this was not the friendliest of needles.  It hurt worse than the Celestone steroid shot, and it was right in the hip-butt area.  The burning was no fun!

Mama's nurse said the shot would probably make mama fall right asleep.  It did make mama fall asleep, but unfortunately she didn't stay asleep.  It made mama's mouth really dry, which resulted in drinking a lot of water and waking up every hour on the hour to go to the bathroom.  Every time mama got up to go to the bathroom, she felt very loopy and drowsy, almost like she was going to fall down.

The Nubain did stop the contractions, which mama never feels them anyway.  Perhaps she might have liked how Nubain felt if she was actually feeling her contractions and it wiped them away, but hopefully mama would never have to get that shot again! 

A restless night's sleep resulted in a very tired mama the next day.  It was a busy day, too.  Once the day settled down, mama fell asleep for a solid 3 hour nap!

Mama & Papa

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