July 16, 2010

Everyone's Back!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

So exciting!  Papa was coming home today, and Grumpa and Lola were on their way back, too!  Mama started off her morning with a visit from the Cadwell's.  Mama got to play with Crew and catch up with Brett & Shelby.  It helped the morning go by fast with a nice visit with friends mama hadn't seen in a while.

 Aww, look at the lil' Crew man!  
Remember, no dating until you're 85!

Grumpa and Lola dropped Paoli off at home and then came to visit with mama.  Papa came to hospital shortly after.  It was so nice to have papa home.  He was so tired after a long week at camp, and he fell asleep shortly after he crawled into mama's bed.  Mama was just happy to have him close.  Grumpa and Lola stayed a while until papa woke up, and then they headed back to the house until the next morning.

Mama and papa had a fun night just hanging out, laughing a whole bunch and watching movies.  The movie, "Wonder Boys" was on TV with Michael Douglas, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey Jr. and Katie Holmes. Mama didn't remember every seeing that movie and thought it was pretty good.

Mama and papa had a ton of fun, and papa kept making mama laugh so hard.  You were probably wondering what was going on out there.  Hopefully, the sound of laughter will be comforting to you, because mama and papa plan on laughing with you a whole bunch!

Mama & Papa

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