July 15, 2010

God Makes the Decision

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - Friday, July 9, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Doc ordered the 24 urine test which started at 1:30pm on Wednesday and would end at 1:30pm on Thursday.  If the protein came back under 300, mama would have the option to go home to finish bed rest.

Nobody was really comfortable with the idea of mama going home, because all of mama's and your needs were an arm's length away at the hospital.  Even though you would be monitored once a day while at home, it is still more comforting knowing that if something drastically changed you and mama were already at the hospital. 

Grumpa was thinking about whether there would be traffic if you and mama had to be rushed to hospital.  Lola was worried about preparing food that met the restrictions for mama's gestational diabetic diet.  When mama finally talked to papa, he too was a apprehensive about leaving the hospital.  Mama was leaning more towards staying at the hospital, especially because of the gestational diabetes.  Insulin shots.  Checking blood sugars.  Carb restrictions.  Not something anyone wanted to have to stress out about at home.

They all knew that no matter whether they went home or stayed at the hospital that God was in control either way, but there was no need in adding any extra stress on anyone when it would be perfectly fine for mama to stay at the hospital.  Mama and papa wanted to be sure to consider Grumpa and Lola's decisions because they would be the ones caring for mama most of the days. 

Mama asked Doc if she still thought you and mama wouldn't make it to 40 weeks, and Doc said she thought your fluid would drop again to 5 or 6 and you would come then.  That's only a few weeks away!  Mama was already convinced that she would be at the hospital until delivery anyway, so there was no need to go home just to come right back!

The results of the 24 hour urine came back Friday morning, and the protein level was at 333.  Just high enough to be above 300.  God took the decision out of everyone's hands!  You and mama were staying at the hospital, exactly what everyone was leaning towards. 

It's the best when God makes decisions for you when you can't decide!

Mama & Papa

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