July 8, 2010

Visits with Your Future Playmates

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

On Wednesday, Jessica came by with one of your future playmates, Aleah.  She sat up on the bed with mama just smiling away.  She also liked mama's long hair and wanted to pull on it.

Then on Thursday, Nikki came by with some of your other future playmates, Aiden and Hayley.  Thank Hayley for being so stylish, because she gave you all of her clothes! 

Aiden loves to make his sissy laugh!

Aiden, the bull, was loving entertaining himself (and everyone) with that curtain!  He kept running back and forth through it, laughing away! 

It's amazing how fast the time has gone by.  Just a couple years ago, Aiden was the only child in the small group, and now there's lots!  Mama remembers when Aiden was just a rolling machine, rolling back and forth the living room floor at Shawn and Jessica's during small group.  Now both Hayley and Aleah are already growing so fast, too!  

Mama and papa can't wait for you to enter this world, and look forward to watching you grow!

Mama & Papa

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