July 8, 2010

God Provides

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Mama had been tossing and turning since 6:00am, so she was feeling a little cranky in the morning.  It frustrated her when she found out she had another different nurse.  Mama had been starting her day reading the Bible and it helped to get her in a better mood.  She realized that she should be happy to have a different nurse, because it was one more person that she hoped to encourage in some way.  By the end of the day, mama was glad that she had the nurse she did that day!

Thankfully, mama's nurse never noticed mama woke up in a bad mood.  She actually told mama she had such a great attitude being in the hospital because a lot of patients care more about getting the baby out for their own selfish reasons rather than caring for what was best for their babies.  After she said that, mama told her the reason she was staying positive was because she had to give control over to God and to accept that God's plan is perfect and that He would use all the details of this situation for His glory.

They got into the topic of finances because that was the one thing that always tripped mama up.  Constantly battling with how mama and papa would have the money for this or that.  Mama shared with her nurse that once she was put on bed rest and had to come to terms with the fact that they would lose mama's source of income for 3 months, that she really needed to surrender the situation to God.  The whole financial aspect along with your health was so out of mama and papa's control, that it was almost easier to trust God to work out the details.

Mama's nurse shared with her how her husband had gotten laid off and they had been without his income since March.  She kept struggling with trusting God to provide, too.  Thankfully, as always, God did provide and her husband has just started a new job.  It was neat to talk about trusting in God's provision.

Later in the afternoon, mama received a text from a friend that there were a lot of people wanting to help mama and papa.  Mama was thinking along the lines of a used car seat or bassinet, but they were thinking bigger...a house payment!  Then mama talked to another friend who said they wanted to make a car payment.  Not only was God proving his provision to mama and papa, but mama was able to share the news with her nurse who found it very encouraging, as well!

It made mama think of this psalm she had come across and written down the week before:

"How great is the goodness you  have stored up for those who fear you.  You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world." ~Psalm 31:19

Our God is an awesome God!

Mama & Papa

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