July 1, 2010

How the Collection Started

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 - Friday, June 11, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

The first night back in the hospital was the normal night that mama and papa met with their small group.  Corey, Amanda, Eric and Nikki all came down to visit with mama and papa.  Eric and Nikki brought pretty purple flowers that smelled pretty, and Corey had brought a gift bag full of things to keep mama busy:  a couple magazines, a crossword and Sudoku puzzle book, Scrabble Apple, Farkle, a deck of cards, a handheld Monopoly game and a butterfly and flower kit for ages 5+ (maybe mama will save that one for you, mama and papa to do together).

Grumpa and Lola weren't supposed to come back down until Monday, but they came down on Thursday, the day after mama was admitted to the hospital, and stayed until the following Wednesday evening.  They would keep mama company at the hospital during the day and then stay at papa and mama's house at night, while papa slept on the couch in the man cave every night to be with you and mama.  Mama had asked papa to bring some of her card making supplies, and Grumpa pretty much just threw as much as he could fit in a book bag and brought it to the hospital!

Jessica Miller came by on Thursday and brought mama an assortment of magazines:  a card making magazine (which mama loves when she hands those down to her), Real Simple, Baby Talk and Parenting Magazine.

On Friday Amanda came by to visit again and brought mama some Real Simple magazines and DVD's to watch.  Mama also received a really pretty bouquet of flowers from papa's work.

Papa had a softball game on Friday night, so "Aunt Jess" came by with Haleigh to hang out with mama.  They played Monopoly Deal and Scrabble Apple, and they were really giddy and laughed a whole bunch.  Haleigh also gave mama her Sesame Street coloring book and crayons to add to mama's collection of things to do.

Papa had also went out and got mama a new sketch pad, colored pencils, drawing pencils and charcoal.  Mama used to love to draw.  She hadn't done much since high school, so papa wanted to encourage mama to get back into drawing.

So far, mama had quite a bit to keep her busy, with more things to come later.

Mama & Papa

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