July 1, 2010

A Fun Weekend with Friends

Saturday, June 12, 2010 - Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

On Saturday, Grumpa and Lola hung out with mama all day while papa watched the World Cup at Corey's house.  Papa came back around 4:30 and hung out with mama the rest of the night.  Then they got some surprise visitors!  Matt and Shelli and the kids were out celebrating their anniversary and decided to include mama, papa and you in their special occasion!

It was really neat because before they left the nurse was putting you on the monitor, so Logan, Morgan and Cole got to hear your heart beat!

Sunday night Corey came by for a game night.  Leslie also came by with a mind puzzle book and a book of MadLibs.  Mama surely got a kick out of those mad libs!  Mama hadn't laughed that hard in a while.  It was one of those laughs where you don't even know why you are laughing anymore, but you continue laughing at the fact that you are laughing.  Those laughs are the best!

Everyone was pretty much giddy, though.  When mama got up to go to the bathroom, she heard the nurse come in and say to papa, "Now I know you're not my patient!"  Papa was laying in mama's bed with a pillow stuffed under his shirt like he was the one pregnant.  Such a goofball!

Papa had ordered a guest tray along with mama's dinner.  When the food trays came, papa started pretending to play the cymbals!  Someone was being silly and his silliness was becoming contagious.  Next thing you know, Corey is acting like a spider monkey!

Too much fun!

Mama and papa can't wait until they can hear the sound of your laughter!

Mama & Papa

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