July 17, 2010

33 Week Ultrasound

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

This morning mama woke up early to read, eat breakfast, get in the shower and make it to the Antepartum Support Group by 10:00am.  By the end of the meeting, mama was feeling the effects of the restless night's sleep the night before.

Mama ordered lunch earlier and just wanted to go back to sleep, but the nurse needed to put you on the monitor an hour earlier than normal, because your biophysical ultrasound was scheduled for 2:15.  You were nice and reactive the whole time on the monitor strip as usual.

Then the nurse wheeled mama over to Maternal Fetal Medicine.  You got an 8 out of 8 once again on your biophysical exam!  Lola came with to watch you on the screen, and she just loved every minute of it.  Watching you wiggle.  Practice breathing.  Kicking your foot.  Opening your mouth.  Your fuzzy hair! 

Your 33 week and 3 day measurement was 5 pounds 4 ounces!  You had gained a pound and 4 ounces in just 2 weeks!  You are growing big and strong!  Doc said you measured in the 62nd percentile.

When the ultrasound tech went to measure your amniotic fluid, your whole body was positioned down in the lower left quadrant.  They can only measure the fluid in the 4 quadrants, and she wasn't able to get a measurement from the quadrant you had made yourself comfortable in.

Your fluid measured 8 something this time, but the doc said she was pretty sure it was higher than that.  They could see fluid in the upper center but could't count that in the measurement, so she advised that your fluid get remeasured on Friday.

Mama came back on Friday morning, and the doc was right.  Your fluid was 11.16cm!  Mama was so happy that you are nice and comfortable and continuing to grow!  It won't be too much longer until you are in mama and papa's arms!

Mama & Papa

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