July 12, 2010

Fourth of July

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Grumpa and Lola stayed with mama all day after papa left for camp.  They even stayed to take mama out on the sundeck to watch the fireworks.  It was a nice warm night with a little bit of a sprinkle that was actually refreshing.

You could see fireworks from all the surrounding towns' shows along the horizon.  One of the shows seemed pretty close, and mama got a good 30 second video on her camera.

Mama enjoyed having Grumpa and Lola stay with her most of the night, but she didn't want them to try to sleep at the hospital.  There wasn't enough room and mama didn't want them to be uncomfortable sleeping there, so they headed back to the house and came back the next morning.

After they left, mama was sad again and of course started to cry.  Sometimes it feels good to just let a good cry out.  She felt lonely without having papa across the room sleeping on the couch in the man cave.  Mama decided to write to him every night while he was away, and it seemed to help.  It also helped that he would call before bed, since it was the next best thing to giving each other a kiss good night.

Mama would read in the Psalms and Proverbs and pray every night, and that along with knowing mama wasn't alone because you were with her helped her sleep well into the night.

Mama & Papa

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