July 16, 2010

Paper Crafting

Tuesday, July 7, 2010 - Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Mama decided to put her creative juices to work while Papa, Grumpa and Lola were gone.  Mama mostly worked on some thank you cards from her bed, until there was too much stuff everywhere!  Then she had to move it all to the little desk in the man cave, because it was becoming too cluttered!

Here are some of the cards mama made:

Variations in Green:

Variations in Orange:

...and a little something to put in a photo frame to hang on the wall:

Nana's birthday was on Sunday, so mama made her a birthday card.  She loves when she gets cards from mama.  Mama signed it from you!

Mama has enjoyed getting to spend some time being creative.  She usually doesn't have much time otherwise, so she's taken advantage of the available time while on bed rest!

Mama's next creative project is your nursery!!

Mama & Papa