July 1, 2010

So Far So Good

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Things were going great so far.  You had looked great on the monitor all night!  All mama's blood work labs for preeclampsia came back negative, and even mama's 24 hour urine sample came back with less protein than it had a couple weeks before!  Dr. Kerlin said they didn't want to see anything greater than 150 and anything between 300 and 5,000 was lumped into the same category.  A couple weeks back mama's protein was 490 something, and this time it was in the 200's!

Going forward you only had to be on the monitor three times a day for an hour each time at 6:00am, 2:00pm and 10:00pm.  The nurses would also do an assessment on mama during those times to see if the preeclampsia symptoms were elevating.  Mama answered "no" to the same questions each time:  "Blurred vision or seeing spots?  Cramping in the back of the calves?  Pain in the upper right abdomen?  Pain or trouble urinating?  Trouble with bowel movements or passing gas?  Shortness of breath?" Then they would check mama's blood pressure, body temperature, reflexes and any pulsations in her ankles, as well as listen to her heartbeat and bowels.

New blood work labs for preeclampsia would be drawn every Friday and Tuesday.  Mama also had to get the second shot of the most recent round of Celestone.  Mama's glucose levels were normal before the first shot the day before, but they would soon start elevating and unfortunately not go back down.

Dr. Rasmussen would be covering for Dr. Kerlin while she was on vacation with her family starting on Saturday through the next week. Dr. Kerlin told mama you and she better behave while she was away!  Mama and papa sure hoped so, too!

Mama & Papa

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