July 25, 2010

34 Week Ultrasound

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was your 34 week ultrasound and biophysical exam.  Both mama and Doctor K were anxious to see what your fluid was going to be.  There was a new ultrasound tech that was training today, so it took a little longer than normal since she was getting familiar with the newer equipment.  You had the hiccups, so you passed the breathing portion right off the bat!  Your heart rate and all your doplers were great, as usual, and you were moving all about.

You've actually had the hiccups quite a bit over the last couple weeks.  Dr. K says that unhealthy babies don't get the hiccups, so its a good thing that you have had them so much! 

Your fluid measured at about 9 cm today, but it was most likely the way you were positioned again.  The doctor said she wouldn't be concerned unless your fluid had dropped to 5 cm.  Plus, your bladder looked full, so that could iincrease your fluid a tad bit.

They were able to get a beautiful profile shot of you today.

You are gorgeous!  Mama and papa can't wait to finally meet you and squeeze you and look into your eyes!

Mama & Papa

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