July 28, 2010

Nana's Shower

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was another exciting day.  Nana was throwing a baby shower for you in the solarium, too.  Mama was able to use a wheelchair ride again to be able to attend.  Papa sat next to mama the whole time and helped her open all of your gifts.

Your cake

Papa and Mama...in the background (Great Great Grandma Taylor, Great Aunt Karen, Chelsea & Uncle Ben)

Mama forgot to have Uncle Ben take pictures of all the guests that were there, but here is who all came:
Nana & Papaw, your Great Great Grandma Taylor, Great Aunt Karen, Uncle Ben & Chelsea, Great Aunt Sherri & Great Uncle Rick, Sylvia & Jason, Great Uncle Clint & Great Aunt Pam, Aunt Pat, Lisa & Lori, and Kathy Flatter.
It's hard to see in this picture, but the big box full of goodies was wrapped in receiving blankets.  Mama thought it was a cute idea!

Mama and Papa get a kick out of this product because it's name is so straight and to the point...Boudreux's Butt Paste!

You received many more needed items.  Papa was happy to see a "Daddy's Little Princess" outfit!  Great Aunt Karen, Holly & Julie bought your stroller and car seat travel system.  Yay!  Now you have a way to get home!  Your Great Great Grandma Taylor is so generous and will be buying your first year supply of diapers! 

Mama and papa had a great time visiting with family they hadn't seen in a while.  They are so blessed to have such great family and friends and are so very grateful for all the wonderful gifts for you!
Now, the best gift of all...
YOU...date to be announced!

Mama & Papa

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