July 8, 2010

World Cup & Visit from Grabinski's

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Papa loves the World Cup.  Mama isn't one to get into watching televised sports that much.  She would rather play sports than watch them on TV, but soccer is one mama enjoys watching.  Their ball control and speed is amazing.  Mama and papa both played soccer, so they understand the talent it takes for these World Cup teams to control the ball the way they do!  It must be pretty awesome to be that good!  Today's match was USA vs. Ghana.

Papa had to work in the morning, and then he was going to watch some of the game for a little bit with Blake, who was in town from New York for a wedding.  Grumpa and Lola had come back the day before and would be here for almost 2 weeks, so they stayed at the hospital with mama to watch the game.

Mama had called in their lunch order right before the game was beginning.  The girl who answered the phone could hear the game on in the background, because there was always an annoying buzzing sound in the background from all the fans and their horns.  She was actually from Ghana, so she was teasing mama that the USA was going to lose to her home country.

Unfortunately, she was right.  It was a close game, but Ghana just seemed quicker than the USA.  They lost 2-1 in extra time. Going forward, mama and papa decided they were going to root for the Netherlands to win the whole thing, because that's where some of your ancestors on papa's side of the family are from.  Soccer is so much fun!  Mama and papa look forward to kicking a soccer ball around with you some day!

Meanwhile, one of mama's good friends from Lowell, Chrissy Grabinski, and her mom came by to viist.  It was nice to hear all about Chrissy's most recent visit to Switerzerland and the time before that when she was in France.  Now she is getting her PhD!  It's been a while since mama has seen Chrissy, but even when the time has passed it never seems like it's been that long once they are together.  That's how good friends should be!

They brought you a bunch of gifts, too!  ...the Boppy cover, 2 sets of crib sheets, the matching bath robe, hooded towels and washcloths, a grooming kit and rubber ducky that tells you what temperature your bath water is.  Mama and papa can't wait to put that cute little bath robe on you!

Mama & Papa

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