July 12, 2010

Visitors Throughout the Week

Monday, June 28, 2010 - Friday, July 1, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Monday, Leann Campos brought Sara and Ashlie Lawson to come viist.  It was nice to see all of them since mama hadn't seen them in 6 weeks since she hadn't been at church.  It was funny because mama had the same nurse that she had the time when mama had visitors from 10:30 - 8:30 and she had just started her shift. Mama assured her that they were her first visitors of the day!

Tuesday, Christie came with Jenna, Kendyll and Cade.  Jenna made a really cute cut out of Bootsy.  Kendyll made mama a "Get Well" bird and a Toy Story 3 poster, and Cade brought mama his "Wow! 5/5" sheet from school!  So cute!  It was fun, because they came while you were on the monitor, so they all got to hear your heart beat!

After the Hellers left, Brad and Jen Ward stopped by for a visit.  Brad's company was looking to outsource a research project, and he was nice enough to offer mama to work on it for some extra income!  They were also getting ready to leave on a mission trip to the Philippines, which is where Lola grew up!  That makes you 1/4 Filipino!  On top of that, they had recently found out that they are having a baby girl, so you will have another friend!

That evening, Stu and Lynda Shade came by for a visit.  Stu and Lynda started out as mama and papa's marriage mentors a couple years back and have become great friends.  They don't get to visit as much as they would like with everyone's busy schedules, so it is always great to get together.

Wednesday, Keith and Haleigh Comp tried to visit while mama was at your ultrasound.  They just missed each other by a few minutes.  Later that evening, Leslie came by while papa was out golfing with Corey.  She brought all her nanny kids (Mia, Max & Eva) up to see mama while they waited for their dad to meet them downstairs.  Nana and Papaw came by and papa's cousin, Chris Chelli, and lil' Tony came by to visit, too.  They were at the hospital visiting papa's other cousin, Mike, who was having pain in his stomach that the doctors were trying to diagnose.

After Nana and Papaw left, Leslie still stayed to visit with mama.  She was still here when papa got home, and he said he was going to jump in the shower.  He kept saying he would let Leslie and mama have "girl talk" and then he kept peeking his ear out of the door to listen.  Goofy papa!

 Friday, the Morrison's came by to visit mama while papa was at his softball game.  It was fun to see them especially since mama and papa were so used to seeing them every Sunday night when it was "Sundays at the Morrison's."  The kids love to hang out in the window, so mama had to take a picture of them!

Saturday, Lia Comp came by to visit and brought Haleigh, Jenna and Reid.  Haleigh and Jenna made some music videos that are really silly.  You will get a good laugh out of them some day.  They were all excited and getting ready to leave for Camp Allendale the next week, where papa would be.

Check out Reid's cute shirt.  It has the Las Vegas sign but it says "Grandma's" and then the shirt says, "What Happens at Grandma's Stays at Grandma's."  Mama was talking to one of her nurses because she said something about you being spoiled since you are the first grand child on both sides of the family.  Mama told the nurse that she was sure that both sets of grandparents would be respectful if mama and papa said they didn't want you to have something, but Grumpa said, "What happens at Grumpa's stays at Grumpa's!"  Funny Grumpa!

This week was full of fun visitors spaced throughout the week.  There are a lot of people that love you already!

Mama & Papa

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