July 25, 2010

God's Provision

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

A few weeks ago, a friend of mama and papa's offered mama an opportunity to do a research project. His company usually did the research in house, but they were looking to outsource it this quarter.  Mama was excited to be able to earn some income while on bed rest, since her vacation time at work had run out and she and papa were making things work on just his income.

They had worked out a payment structure where mama would get paid so much per school. What mama had to do was visit the websites of colleges and universities and check their home page, admissions page and alumni page to see if they had any social media links, such as: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr, and MySpace. Then she had to record it on a spreadsheet.

Mama thought she was making good progress with having 200 of the schools done. Half way done, she thought, so she took off a week from working on it thinking it wouldn't take that long to finish it. When mama started to work on it again last weekend, she was scrolling down through the spreadsheet and realized she was in the 700's...what? She thought there were only 405 schools, how was she in the 700's? 900's? Oh goodness, there were 1,405 schools, not 405! Obviously mama didn't see the 1 in front of the 405 when she was being shown how to do the project!

Uh oh...this was going to take longer than she had anticipated! Mama didn't let that stress her. She had plenty of time to get it finished; she just had to start working on it more! She remembered a way she was shown to save time that she hadn't been doing, so it actually wasn't that bad to get the rest of it finished. She went from averaging 20 schools per hour to 50 per hour, so that was great!

It was just another way of God showing his provision. The income she thought she was going to make from the project just tripled! To make his provision even more evident, mama's friend even increased the per school rate to cover what mama would have to pay in taxes, plus some! What a blessing!

Always remember that God will always provide for you. Remember this especially in the midst of trials when you are unable to grasp how things will work out.

"And god will generously provide all you need.  Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." ~2Corinthians 9:8

"I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of oll the marvelous things you have done." ~Psalm 9:1

Mama & Papa

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