July 21, 2010

Hello CPCC

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dear Stella Rose,

Today was papa's first day at Cross Pointe Christian Church. He didn't start with the youth this weekend though. Instead, he was able to attend the church service, which was nice for papa because he had been missing the Thursday night services at WRCC since mama's been in the hospital. Next Sunday will be the first Sunday with the youth, and papa is really excited

Papa was able to meet many people today. People he hadn't even met yet were asking about you and mama and telling papa how they've been praying. Papa said it felt similar to the first day he and mama went to WRCC for the first time. That makes mama really excited to go there pretty soon, too.

It will be great to meet all these nice people and introduce them to you and show just how God answered all those prayers!

Mama & Papa

1 comment:

  1. That's so great! Is he working there now? How exciting for you guys!
